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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

5 Beware of Malicious Houses This Dangerous! [eng]

MANY household devices that once used at home, turned out to be dangerous. In fact, it could cause the inhabitants of developing the disease until death.
The experts from Barts and The London Hospital has warned that even at home, does not mean protected from harmful bacteria. They exist everywhere, in the toilet, furniture, pillows, cutting boards, toothbrush, and in footwear.
But, let us discuss a variety of hazardous household devices to reduce health risks, as quoted Genius Beauty.
Wooden cutting board
First of all, experts recommend wooden cutting board to remove the board. Wood is more porous material than plastic, glass, or metal.
According to John Oxford, professor of virology at Barts and The London Hospital, wooden cutting board is much easier for the bacteria (bacillus most of intestine) to reproduce the wood.
Research has shown, that one of the wooden cutting board that is used 50 times more of the bacteria found on the bottom edge of the toilet. That is why one should not spray cleaners and disinfectants carelessly.
Plastic cutting board
When cutting vegetables, bacteria can go through plastic surface, and vice versa. Once there is wearing a plastic cutting board, one must quickly get rid of it.
Brush your teeth can even cause serious illness, such as arthritis, and heart attacks. Research conducted by the University of Manchester showed that ordinary toothbrush is home to approximately ten million bacteria, including staphylococci, streptococci, and fungi. The scientists suggest to replace toothbrushes every two to three months.
The same condition was also found on the towel. They should be washed at a temperature of 90 degrees or more which will make it disinfected.
Pillows are another enemy of the health of the community. Dust and bacteria can provoke fever, eczema, and asthma. Professor Jean Amberline of the British Society for Allergy justify it. According to him, it's better to replace pillows every two years.

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